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Old January 15, 2021   #6
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Originally Posted by b54red View Post
Wow Dawg you are really diving in head first. Good luck with all of that and hope you find more and more plants that work out for you. In my younger years I also went hog wild growing a lot of stuff. In my old age I prefer to stick with mostly things that have worked consistently for me and that we really enjoy eating.
I pretty much do this much every year and have pretty much gotten the main things like cukes, etc down to what I call The A Team. I'm going to make those bold in the list below. They're mostly things that get put up. Still, I can't help wondering if some new thing is better than what I'm growing so I give 'em a whirl. And I love to play with oddball stuff, like this year's String Eggplant.

Originally Posted by b54red View Post
I now find myself slowly but surely reducing the number of plants I set out in almost everything except tomatoes and peppers.
Like you, over time I've reduced the quantities of stuff getting grown. Enough to put up and some for fresh eating. That's also had the side benefit of opening up space for other things. With the staggered plantings there's no more avalanche of broccoli all at once. It's been there in quantity and then none. The staggering has extended the fresh eating time since it doesn't freeze well for me.

And although the list is long, some items are small in quantity, like three kinds of watermelons but only one hill of each. I think that Kaho melon is going to join the trellis experiment. Two eggplants but one of each.

One deletion already is the annual Silver Queen corn which I'll miss dearly. I'm having knee surgery Jan 27th and the corn plot for eight rows will take too much prep, more than I want to ask my sister to handle. But there will be the popcorn in one 18' bed and the sweet yellow Seneca Sunrise in another and those should be easy to plant.

I'm hoping that by corn, bean and cuke planting time and tomato setting out time, I'll be rehabbed enough to putter pretty good. Pickles said she can handle the early brassica plantings. Meanwhile, I'll still be starting transplants.

Edit: Hmmm, it looks like I can't edit the OP. Oh well....

Last edited by GoDawgs; January 15, 2021 at 05:10 PM.
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