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Old August 14, 2020   #4
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There are lots of reasons to grow in containers. I have a large garden, but I like to start some varieties really early and plant them in 3-gallon sized containers so that I can put them outside on warm days and bring them back in if the temperature drops. These plants produce fruit by mid-June to keep us going until the veggie garden varieties kick in. My favourites are Maglia Rosa and Taste Patio from Artisan Seeds.

Other reasons for growing in containers are that there isn't a lot of sun in the garden, and plants in pots can be moved around to catch the rays. Some people have nematodes in their soil. Perhaps they don't have the energy to make a proper veggie garden.

Dwarfs and compacts do well in 5 gallon containers, and another reason for these is that they do well in tomato cages so there's no need to worry about them reaching 6-7' tall.

Finally, there are the micro's that can be grown in much smaller pots. Perfect for growing under grow lights or on a sunny windowsill in winter, or for those who live in apartments.

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