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Old June 13, 2020   #13
VC Scott
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: San Marcos, CA
Posts: 352

First, starting from the bottom of the plant, remove all foliage that shows the slightest symptoms of infestation. Next, remove the nest higher leaves that do not show signs of infestation. [They are there, you just don't see the damage yet.] Third, spray with food grade diatomacious earth. The ancient diatoms get into the joints of the mites and slows them down. Don't just spray the leaves, spray the stems as well. The little buggers crawl up the stems to the next set of leaves. Spray both top and bottom of leaves. Make that crawl a difficult one. There are some nasty poisons that can slow them down, but I don't like to use them.

Spray DE ASAP because these buggers multiply much faster in the heat. The further you get into summer, the more difficult they are to control.
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