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Old March 6, 2020   #1
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Default Peas and Carrots

Ahhhhhh, the SUN was out today! I had almost forgotten what it looked like. And no rain in the forecast for the next four days! Woo hoo!

This morning my sister Pickles and I headed to the garden to uncover the one planted pea bed. It had been covered to keep the rain OUT. We needed to get that big plastic sheet folded up before the wind got up. It was supposed to be 15-20 mph with gusts to 30. We got it done just in the nick of time, too. The plastic is wet but I didn’t hang it up to dry because big winds would probably rip it right off the line. That will happen tomorrow.

But look what was under the plastic... peas popping up on each side of the line! Those poor things got planted Feb 28 in soil just short of sopping and then two days later the overnight lows dropped into the upper 20's. Soil temp went from 60 to 45. I was hoping they wouldn't just rot away and here they are.

Time to get the pea fence installed on each side. The baling twine marks the fence line between the double row of seeds. But that too will wait until tomorrow.

I did pull some more carrots though. These are the first Yaya, sown back in mid October. It's the first time I've tried them and they're a winner. They will be added to the A Team, a list of stuff that needs to be grown every year. I’m supposed to plant the spring carrots next week but only if the beds dry out enough. We’ll see. Waaaaay behind planting everything!

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