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Old December 29, 2019   #2
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Limiting the pot size keeps them a bit smaller. I've grown them in one gallon grow
bags indoors. Last winter I grew dwarfMetallica and two cherry hybrids indoors. (and a bunch
of micros).
I've never tried topping them. That might speed things up(?)
Metallica is on the early side. But I've only grown a dozen varieties so not a lot of
I have full south sun until the leaves fill out so that helps. And lights.
ArcticRose was early but medium in size.

What worked best was just giving a couple early hybrid cherries a big head start.

I have a few dozen plants going, planted a few weeks ago, but laking the time to tend this year.
I'm still game for it. Starting some peppers this weekend.
Dwarfs do not get lanky and out of control like indeterminates so even a head start will
give you some very early tomatoes.
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