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Old September 27, 2007   #13
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Lebanon PA, zone 6
Posts: 45

If I can throw in my two cents here, I've only ever had luck with cuttings once, and that was this summer when I had to move my tree (Yikes!) to make way for Municipal water. When I dug the tree, one of the lowest branches from last year snapped off, and I found it when I went back to clean up around the old hole. The branch was about three feet long with several leaves and (here's the important part) root initials at the base. Figuring nothing ventured nothing gained, I stuck it in a nursery pot of native soil and cut it back by half. Within a few days the remaining leaves fell off, so I wrote it off as a loss. A few weeks later, it sprouted new leaves, and is growing nicely now!

I have tried taking cuttings when I pruned for winter "crating", but they never grew. It's too cold to leave them outside over winter here, and I can't find a good spot indoors where they don't either mold or dry out!

BTW, mine is a "Golden" fig that I found at a local nursery five years ago. I've never seen one listed in a catalog, so I wonder if maybe it's really a Marsalles or something similar?
"Any man may count the seeds in an apple, yet who can know the apples in a seed?" --Chinese Proverb (paraphrased)
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