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Old September 26, 2007   #13
cosmicgardener's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Tasmania, Australia
Posts: 407

I celebrate EVERY day. Nothing fazes me now. Used to be a Type A personality, now I'm somewhere around the Type T.

We had a north easterly all day - that makes me a bit snarky in the temper department but then it turned westerly and has been raining ever since. My 86 year old customer came and collected his tomatoes and kept me standing in the garden 'tip pruning' my peach tree and tutting about how it should have been done already.....reminded me of my dad who never felt the wind either.......

Did you say you need more pumpkins - I've got lots of watermelons because they did nothing last year and I won't even think about them this year or ever again.

Queen Anne's Lace makes a good companion plant as hoverflies love it and they also love aphis. So put it near your broccoli want a cross bred carrot - methinks you have too much time on your hands...hmmmmmmmmm.

Hairy Bikers tonight...
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