Thread: Zinnias
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Old November 1, 2019   #117
GrowingCoastal's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Vancouver Island Canada BC
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To answer above questions,
I bought myself a nice camera after I retired just for fun. And of course I only post the best ones.
Sorry but I cannot say where the seeds came from as I must have given away the paks. Not finding any trace in my records. I think I just got them off a rack and bought the two sorts to try to find the one with green backed petals. There are lots of sellers online.

My fave is the Blue Point dahlia flowered type because of the easy access for bees.
They are easy to grow but may require staking. Mine got PM toward the end, after I let them dry out too many times.

They DID grow very tall in pots in my yard. In fact, they outgrew me to stand about 6 ft + at season's end due to pot height. I think that if I cut them more they might stay shorter but I left them for the bees. Also, hedges and trees make for more shade in my yard as summer fades.
A few I tried in the dry, tree-rooted ground grew to only about 3 ft tall. The potted ones outperformed them by far.
Colours were great for both types with some opening one shade and going through a few before reaching their mature colour.

I started growing them because someone online said they attract hummingbirds. Nope. Not mine. Not here. But bees yes, lots of bees.
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