Thread: Wasps
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Old October 14, 2019   #26
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Originally Posted by kilroyscarnival View Post
Well, I went at the area around the bird-of-paradise with (first) Dawn detergent mix in a hose-end sprayer bottle, then Dawn-detergent mix in a sprayer tank. I am quite sure I was hitting some of the wasps, but I don't know that they actually died. And, getting a better look at them in full sun, I think they perhaps are yellow jackets. I think I definitely thinned the herd a bit, and I didn't get stung while working on the plant yesterday, though sadly I still can't reach some of the bits that need trimming. It was thankfully not as hot as it's been, though being covered head to toe and wrapped in a thin scarf was a challenge.
You may have a yellow jacket nest in the ground under your tree. More than likely they are just finding something on the tree that attracts them. They are all over my bell peppers right now but they so far haven't bit me yet. I usually get stung a few times in the fall and winter by yellow jackets but usually it is my own fault at being careless and not noticing one and grabbing one by accident. A very quick application of wet tobacco will quickly reduce the pain and reduce the swelling before it even starts. Luckily I am not allergic but the later in the year that I get bit the more painful and the worse the swelling can be due to the fact that yellow jackets venom seems to get more potent in colder weather when they are feeding on meat instead of fruit. I used to get zapped by them every time I was out cleaning fish in the fall or winter.

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