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Old August 28, 2019   #6
MuddyBuckets's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Eastern/Coastal NC 8b
Posts: 192

Did not grow any other squash, garden overall this season has been less than productive, cukes pooped out (too wet, too hot, too dry...), okra tall and spindly (6 varieties), tomatoes were ok on the sun gold and black cherry but slicing tomatoes were a disaster, hot peppers (usually flourishing) had a spurt of production, remained small plants but very slow to ripen, eggplant...3 off of three plants...not exactly productive, tomatillos had lots of flowers but very few setting fruit. The good news is I had much fewer pests this season since using neem oil and sevin on a regular basis. Garden is raised beds and containers and neither seemed better this season.
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