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Old August 15, 2019   #65
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Philly 7A
Posts: 739

August 15th, 2019

I have been eating a lot of grapes, lol. Tomatoes are coming off here and there, the 5 Okra plants are giving me 6-8 pods a day, I have been picking them small then slicing, freezing and vacuum sealing.

Pickled (Lacto-Fermentd)some more cucumbers, I tried one after 4 days and it was definitely not ready, tried the pickles again on the 8th day and they were really good.
It has Been a bit rainy lately, everything is growing nicely, actually it is getting a little out of hand, I have been doing some minor trimming.

Nothing in the Bat houses yet.

Started tying up my Vertical Cantaloupe. I believe there's about 10 that may make it in time to fully ripen.

My Rocky top lettuce sprouted but nothing from the Romaine or Red Beets yet.

I'm going to have to come up with a trellis for the Goji Berry plant.

One eggplant plant has some Flea Beetles, not sure if I'm going to do anything or terminate the plant, I may spray with some water, Rubbing alcohol and dish soap. That same plant has a few eggplants with some spots, I'm pretty sure this is the start of some type of fruit rot or Anthracnose?

This is the only plant with Flea Beetles...fingers crossed.

The plant in the Hugelkultur bed looks unaffected so far.

I turned off the water to my raised beds in the back yard, well all but one, I cant reach the shutoff on the 3rd&4th section of the Hugelkultur bed, I'll try to get to it this weekend.

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