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Old August 5, 2019   #15
Gerardo's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: San Diego-Tijuana
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@Barb Yes indeed it is a large bag, as was the 50 lbs of Haifa MKP, and the Yara CalciNit (around 16 USD for 25 kg) and the

MagSulfate (same), and the bag of Micros. I figure I can create small fertigation kits for Xmas, insuring everyone has happy plants.

Still enough left over for a season or two or three.

The npK goes into solution quickly. Impressed with Haifa products.

I'm on the Mexican side of the border. Same seasons, just an imaginary line dividing urban sprawl.

I hear you on the potting mix. I tend to get the open bags, King's Mix, 707, ProMix. It ends up being about 40-50% by volume, as I

dilute it out with the Florapeat, perlite, and the veg compost+. Either way, it ends up being quality mix and the plants like it.

When my back starts to give out I'll switch to the slabs, maybe even the Grodan ones, as this place I visit has them available.

I've yet to inquire on price.

How was the KOKOBop?
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