Thread: Crape myrtle
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Old August 2, 2019   #8
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Originally Posted by arnorrian View Post
No, I bought it at a flower show. They told ot it should be it should be pale pink.

They are rare here, never saw one in my town.
It should be interesting to see what you have as time goes by. They are fast growers once established. Crapes can range in size and shape as dwarfs, mounding types and uprights. It seems to have large leaves so maybe it's an upright. They will also send up new shoots at the base, giving you the option of keeping those cut off and growing yours as a single-stem or letting a couple stay and growing yours as a multi-stem.

Older crapes will also have what's called exfoliating bark, a thin bark that naturally sheds leaving a nice mottled appearance on the trunk. So if you see bark peeling as time goes on, it's ok.

I've not found mine bothered by insects. If there are lots of aphids in your area you might eventually see a black substance on leaf surfaces that you can rub off. It's called sooty mold and results from aphids on the leaves. They secrete a sweet sticky substance (which ants love) and that substance molds in the right weather conditions. Insecticidal soap should take care of the aphids. Leaves with sooty mold will eventually turn yellow or orange and drop off.

Congratulations on being the only one in town with a beautiful crape!

Last edited by GoDawgs; August 2, 2019 at 03:29 PM. Reason: aphids, not ants!
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