Thread: Corn Quandry
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Old July 17, 2019   #42
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I don't think I've seen little black beetles in the corn here, just ear worms. Some years they're bad and some years there atre hardly any at all. This year they weren't too bad, maybe in one or two out of ten ears.

The corn stalks were pulled out two days ago. I'll be planting Red Ripper cow peas there hopefully when the soil cools off a little bit. We're ion another hot streak and hit 100 yesterday.

The popcorn in the bed on the right is making ears which will be left to dry completely. In the foreground are one patty pan, one zuke and two straightneck squash, all teetering on the verge of extinction but hanging in there and making a squash here and there.

There are a few very large, old and orange National Pickling cukes in the empty cuke bed that were left to get that way so I can gather seed from them. I've never saved cuke seed before because it's so darned cheap at the feed 'n weed but this is for practice.
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