Thread: What is this?
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Old July 6, 2019   #7
Nan_PA_6b's Avatar
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Septoria. Take off every leaf that has any spots on it and get them away from the plants. Then spray with Daconil or Copper Sulfate.

Bleach spray will work too. If there is any disease on a leaf (even if you can't see signs of it), the infected part will die from the bleach spray. Probably a good thing.

If you have a plant with toms you want to ripen but all the leaves are spotted, what I've done in the past is to leave on the green leaves but remove the yellow. Green leaves can still photosynthesize and do the plant some good. Realize you're leaving diseased leaves in your garden if you do this, but you can at least get the toms to blush this way.
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