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Old July 4, 2019   #26
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Originally Posted by groovy70s View Post

After tasting many of these to see if the flavor improves, I've decided not to grow them out any further. I love the little heart shapes but the texture is very, very firm (almost like a winter grocery store tomato), and the flavor isn't anything special at all. If you ever get more Japanese Pink Cherry seeds that are for sure true-to-type let me know. I'd love to trade you something for a few of them. Thank you for sharing these seeds with me. Even though the texture and flavor aren't there for me it's been fun growing these and seeing what came from them.
This made me laugh in remembrance--I used to call the Tomatoberries my tomato flavored gummy bears. You could squeeze them between your thumb and forefinger and they would sort of bounce, like the candy. It seems to have been a trend in Japan for cherry tomatoes to have that firm texture, perhaps for better shelf life, I don't know. But I hope the trend is over now and we can see more of the normal textured cherries.
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