Thread: Raised Beds
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Old June 12, 2019   #7
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Philly 7A
Posts: 739

That wood is fine.
The wood in a hugelkultur has many purposes. Holds and releases water when needed, habitat for beneficial soil microbes and insects. Self fertilizing, Cheap fill.
If you use wood chips they may tie up nitrogen. You could probably use some of they have been aged and started breaking down.
You can try mixing the wood chips with your native soil just above the heavier wood.
I have mixed wood chips in the soil in my 2nd bed and didn't notice any issues, however, the general consensus is that it will tie up nitrogen until it starts to break down.
Bear in mind that the fresher the wood you use, the more nitrogen will be tied up.
I did not have this issue with much of the wood that I used that was not seasoned but wanted to point out the possibility that it can tie up nitrogen.
Another thing with mentioning is that the hugelkultur beds get better over time, the research that I have done say that your 3rd year is when the hugelkultur beds start really performing.
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