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Old May 19, 2019   #12
KarenO's Avatar
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I agree your plants are determinate Dan.
I think the health of the plant and the care its receiving are big factors.
If it was in the elements, in soil, exposed to disease it may not have had a chance to keep growing.
I also think in my case that light is playing a big role. All of my micros are still growing strong, reblooming and setting fruit better than before now they are out in the greenhouse. I expect them to last the summer or until I get tired of looking after them... I too thought they would be done by now so I could use the space for other things but they keep going and the look really great.
These plants were planted in October, were grown in the house all winter where they were able to set a smallish crop.
As to my numbers as an example, we started out with right around 300 seedlings from 4 separate crosses. , quickly able to cull that to about 90 dwarfs then again in a couple of weeks to about 70.
If the smallest. Between two of us we grew these over winter culling as we went those that grew too big, those that tasted too sour or watery and the final group of 8 selections are now growing at F3 so yes, we needed to start with quite a few seedlings to find 8 with potential.
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