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Old May 14, 2019   #4
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Plantation, Florida zone 10
Posts: 9,283

Definitely the legginess is from them needing more and closer light. Put them as close tobyour grow light as uou can without burning the leaves. If you can touch the light, and you dont feel heat, then 2" is not too close.

If your room temp. Is 72F, then why are you using a heat mat? Tomato seeds germinate easily at that temp, why risk growing fungus and bacteria with the extra heat?

Miracle gro moisture control retains water, for seedlings that's just an invitation to grow fungus, because its too wet. You are much better off without a moisture control potting mix. Someone mentioned the Jiffy at HD, that would be fine.( I don't like any Scott's product, I have always had poor performance from them. Lately even their seed starting potting mix has given folks a lot If seedling deaths. )

Also put a gentle fan on your seedlings 24/7, this will strengthen the stems from them bending and waving in the breeze.

When the seedlings in those 3" pots get their first set of true leaves, gently lift them Out of the mix and replant them more deeply so more of the stem hairs will become roots, giving you a stronger plant. At the samevtimevyou do this, it's time to add just a pinch of fetilizer, my favorite for this stage is Tomato Maker, the stuff is magical for seedlings. This usvthe stage where youvshould be trying to givevthem natural lightnifvuou can.
After the first 4 weeks go by, time to give them one last pinch of Tomato Maker. This will be the last fertilizer you need until final transplant.
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