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Old May 14, 2019   #2
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Gloucester, Virginia
Posts: 90

I think some posters answered on your intro thread but to add to what they posted -

- Are you sowing directly in the MG potting mix? I am having good success doing this (using the moisture control potting soil) - but some people have trouble. You might want to consider a good seed starting mix instead. The Jiffy stuff at the big box stores seems to work well for most people.

- Leggy plants tends to be caused by not enough light. What kind of grow light are you using? How far away from the plants do you keep it?

- As stated on the other thread, a fan blowing a gentle breeze will help the plants grow a thicker, more robust stem. You just want them to wave back and forth a bit, not blow them over.

- White blotchy spots could be light burn. Do you mean bright-white, or more of a light tan? This would seem to suggest the lights are too close or too strong, which if so, is odd that they would be leggy.

- Do you remove the heat pad after seeds germinate?
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