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Old May 9, 2019   #15
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Originally Posted by ContainerTed View Post
I don't prune and I don't cull fruit trusses. If needed, I add support for the plant. Most of the time, I'll simply add extra stakes or even a T-pole. But adding this extra support is the easiest solution. Last season, I had to do this with German Johnson and Grandma Oliver's Chocolate. I also had to add support for Cheste when it had the "almost" 4 pounder which wrapped around the oak stake.

So, my message is this. Do whatever you wish in your garden and I hope your harvest is the best ever. I'm doing the same thing here. It's my garden and I want it my way. I may comment that I don't want to do things your way here at my garden, but don't ever think I am ever saying that your way in your garden is wrong. We all have methods that allow us to feel comfortable in our garden. But, discussing the differences sometimes makes us think and maybe there is something valid in the discussion to try in our garden. Or NOT!!!

Tale care and I hope everyone has the best harvest ever.
Ditto. I do what I do and 'bank' others suggestions and follow or not. What I do does not translate to
others climate/zones/disease. If trouble happens right out of the early as seed starting, it
helps to intervene. Or at least suggest options.
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