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Old April 26, 2019   #9
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: CT
Posts: 68

Bah, I had written up a fairly long post with my appreciation for the information from each of you guys but I waited too long to submit and when I reloaded it was gone! My apologies, but thank you all for the information! I've looked into a bunch of options for disease treatment. It gets so busy at the garden center that inevitably this side project can get away from us sometimes, that's why we do not have any intention of much more $ investment in it in the form of additional greenhouses/shelter, though I recognize how much that would help.

I couldn't say how much of it the garden is tomatoes, but I would guess maybe 1/6-7th of it (they are planted in two different areas). I think at the very least, we will be far more diligent about pruning and fungicide applications (I will also look into the bleach solution as I've seen threads about here before) and making sure they get proper airflow as well. They are spaced at least 3 ft apart, probably a bit more, with the cherries and grapes being put up against a fence. Those do become a bit intertwined sometimes, but we've never had much of a problem at all with them, and still plenty tasty even with the heavy rains last season. It's the larger tomatoes that seem to be the worst, as mentioned.
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