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Old April 25, 2019   #1
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: SE PA
Posts: 965
Default Late April Garlic Snapshot! Let's see them. Come one come all

I was in the garden this evening cleaning up and making compost piles and looking at the garlic that is chugging along while most everything else is still a seedling. Then I thought to myself, I wonder what Bower's looks like now. I wonder what North Carolina garlic looks like now. At least, I hope I thought it to myself. Hopefully I didn't pose those questions aloud to the dogs.

So, if you get a chance, go take a pic this weekend; nothing fancy necessary. Just a pic of your garlic fast-approaching mid-Spring. If you can also relate the approx planting and expected harvest time, that would perfect.

There is something about me, it seems very representative of that local climate. It can't be rushed with grow lights or transplants; it's very grounded. I know I just saw a recent picture of svalli's and I thought, wow it must be cold there! Which of course, I knew, it's Finland after all, but still! That looks like late February here!

I would start, but of course I forgot to actually take pictures. Hopefully tomorrow in the rain I'll get a chance. I'll take pics of a couple patches plus some still walking around the back of the garden au natural.
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