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Old April 8, 2019   #129
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Default Spring Has Sprung!

Wow, within the last week Spring is just bustin' out all over. Here are a few things blooming around the house:

'Rosalinda' Indian Hawthorne (Raphiolepis indica), an upright grower I've cut into tree form. It's right by a window and the sweetest scent is floating into the house. I pruned her hard last year and she went nuts with growth last summer and fall. I need to whack her back into shape when she's done blooming. I want my window back!

'Georgia Petite' Indian Hawthorne, a lower grower, compact type. Lighter pink blossoms and not much scent:

'Mrs. G. G. Gerbing' , an indica azalea. These can get pretty large. This one's at the edge of a natural area:

'Major Wheeler' Honeysuckle. This one is on a trellis at the edge of the garden. It will bloom off and on all summer:

Grancy Graybeard tree, also known as Granddaddy Graybeard (Chionanthus virginicus) with it's fringy white flowers which appear as the leaves start to push out. It has a rather scraggly growth habit and I'm considering cutting ti to a small stump and letting the whips form a *large* shrub... or not.

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