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Old March 21, 2019   #10
Join Date: May 2008
Location: zone 5 Colorado
Posts: 942

Originally Posted by Ironwood View Post
Stick with a quality bagged soil or make your own is the best bet.

I am shocked people still use miracle grow. If you don't know how evil Bayer, Monsanto, Scott's are, same company btw, just Google "Scott's miracle grow settlements". These people have broken every law possible. From using illegal pesticides, toxic nuclides in the soils and blue poison powder, importing illegal pesticides and relabeling to approved pesticides, the ongoing roudup debacle, killing all the bees, Terminator genes, that's just the tip of the iceberg. A little quick Google search has all the info you will need to steer clear of these maniacs.

These people can't be trusted. They have done every single evil thing possible to cut corners and market poisons.

I don't normally yap on about things like this but I see a lot of people still using this stuff and I feel I need to let people know that they are supporting the devil himself by purchasing these products. Not to mention what they are putting in their bodies unknowingly by using these products.

Please don't take offense or think I'm some ranting fool. I just care about the planet, it's people, and clean chemical free organic food.
Thank you Ironwood. I would never use anything from Miracle Gro on any plant that bears fruit. Never. Some people never think ahead, they just use what they find available . . .
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