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Old February 16, 2019   #13
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: In the snowy desert of SE Idaho
Posts: 111

I always loved Brianne's Poppy Seed dressing from the store for slaw, but allergies ruled that one out a few years ago, so I searched for recipes online and found copycats that were similar enough to not be able to tell any difference once the slaw was done. This is one I like:
adapted from
¾ C. White Vinegar
1½ C. mild oil such as grapeseed, sunflower, or light olive
¾ C. Sugar
2 T. White, Yellow or sweet onion(I just eyeball a chunk of onion)
1¼ T. Salt
¾ t. Dry Mustard
1½ T. Poppy Seeds

Place all ingredients except for the poppyseeds in a blender.
Blend on high for at about 1 minute, or until the onion is fully chopped up and emulsified into the dressing.
Add the poppy seeds and pulse a few times until incorporated into the dressing.
Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving.
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