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Old January 15, 2019   #19
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The growth difference between the two lights was impressive! I can't stand the pink either way, don't see that happening for me. Would need a separate grow room that I can close the door on.

About the lettuce bitterness, just wondering why you have temperature at 75-80 F? My winter temperature (ambient) is around 65 F but I keep the greens in a room downstairs with no radiator, and in the window gets closer to 60 F sometimes less. This temperature is fine for my tomato starts and allows my lettuce and greens to stay moist and tender not bolting. They come on pretty fast too with ordinary daylight fluorescents (and a wee bit of real daylight ). Upstairs where the temp is 65 F ish, plants dry out much faster, and that is a big quality/bolting issue for greens.
For pepper seedlings I usually put them upstairs under a light and right next to a radiator so they are mostly closer to 68 or 70 F, although they have done okay there is a notable stress response to the lower temperature.

I could see your higher temp setting for fruit ripening but that is still a few months away for you. Or perhaps the plan is to produce winter tomatoes as fast as you possibly can?
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