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Old December 17, 2018   #13
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Kansas 5b
Posts: 198

They're are probably more of them here where they're native than in the East where they're invaders. My closest neighbors aren't close and I don't have dogs or a yard light so I do see them icome into the yard occasionally. And hear them year round.

The tomatoes might have been a raccoon, but raccoons don't tend to leave anything if they start eating it. I might have suspected a squirrel, but given how few trees and how many coyets we have, squirrels are very rare. And I have actually caught coyote eating melons early in the morning. There are bigger pests, but the only coyote I want in my garden is a small yellow tomato. ;-)

Last edited by oldman; December 17, 2018 at 02:31 PM.
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