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Old August 28, 2007   #6
MAGTAG™ Coordinator
Cecilia_MD7a's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 400

Hello, everybody - I think MAGTAG 2007 was a success, despite the heat. Thanks to everybody who participated. Although we had fewer varieties to taste (60-something compared to 83 last year), we had more attendees.

I hope that next year the weather is a little more cooperative! The high temp at BWI was 96 degrees, but I bet it was higher near the city, where we were. Thank goodness everybody brought along lots of water - special thanks to Suzy and Chris for that huge cooler full of "repurposed" water bottles. Funny - when I emptied the trash bag full of recyclables in order to put them in clear bags for Balto. County to pick up, there were only a few soda bottles and beer cans - all the rest were water bottles!

I hope none of our out-of-towners (Trudi and Steve, Mark, etc.) were affected by the powerful storm that hit the area later Saturday evening. Our power went out around 8:00 pm and didn't come on again until Sunday. Luckily, we turned off all the electronics. I have a gas stove and was able to put those leftover MAGTAG tomatoes to use the next day by making an impromptu pasta sauce that also included peppers and basil from my garden.

We really need to come up with a quick, accurate way of tallying votes. This year, I adapted (i.e., plagiarized) Feldon's scorecards for SETT, which did simplify the actual voting. But I'm still running into trouble calculating the winners! (My calculator's malfunctioning didn't help either, nor did the fact that I was exhausted). Thanks to all the folks (Stacy, Steve, etc.) who helped out or offered suggestions. I hope we can find a method that will speed the process to get all the votes tallied before half the attendees have gone.

Any suggestions on this resolving this issue are greatly appreciated. I've also asked the moderators of other regional festivals for their ideas.

Does anybody (Annebert? gflynn?) remember the top ten varieties? I know SOMEBODY was writing them down. I think Trudi won second place, and Greg took first and third. And the largest tomato - brought by Gene's grandson - won the Largest Tomato contest, at 2 lbs 3/10 oz.

I'm sorry Dunkel couldn't make it (although 90 degree weather could be really rough on a big guy like him). Has anybody heard from him? Is he OK?
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