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Old October 29, 2018   #14
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Originally Posted by AlittleSalt View Post
This is starting them from seed and growing them inside until plant out time. Over the years here at Tomatoville - I have read a lot of opinions and advice on how long to keep your tomato plants under lights, and why it is important for the plants to get some dark time as well. I have seen every year that I have started tomato seeds inside - that there is a whole lot of growth while those lights are off.

I want to try something different in late January - (My tomato seed starting time.) I'm thinking of using the lights on for 12 hours and then dark for 12 hours. My reasons for trying this schedule are from experience, but I can also see this lighting schedule fitting with people's routines as well. We're told that we need 8 hours of sleep. That's 8 of those 12 hours of darkness. I know that some people work at night and sleep in the day. This lighting schedule would still work. Plants growing inside do not know when the sun is shining if you are growing them with lights.

I left a whole lot out - especially why it's important for the plants to get dark time. It's almost 2am, and I've tried everything else to get sleepy. I thought that maybe if I read some threads here - that reading would help, but it actually kept me awake. So here I am writing, and finally something is working.

What do you think about the 12 on - 12 off lighting schedule?
Robert, I find when I have insomnia the best thing to do is get up outta bed, start a load of laundry or do some dishes, fix a cup of herbal tea, and sit on the couch with a book. (Chamomile is the typical one suggested but California poppy, passionflower, lemon balm, valerian, and lavender all have calming properties.)

Before I know it I'm half asleep and ready to go back to bed.

Do you use a smart phone? Tablet/iPad or computer? Look for a night screen setting or app to install...the blue light of screens keeps you awake. Yellow tinted glasses help too if you have to drive or work under flourescents at night and the lights bother your eyes or give you insomnia later.

As for the tomatoes I have always had the lights set on a 12/12 cycle. My parents did it that way. Everything I have read says that's about right (reccomendations for things I start inside go from 10 to 16 hours on...12 was the middle ground for most things I grow.) Occasionally they end up with 14/10...if they're growing on the same shelf as some flowers I want to bloom early.

They also seem to do fine on the onion shelf...that has 10/14 on/off timer.
Books, cats, is good!
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