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Old October 28, 2018   #1
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Default Some Spanish tomato storage (Ramallet)

tomato Ramallet (Lycopersicum lycopersicum L.) is a variety
local of Mallorca fruit of the work of several generations of farmers,
which causes a great variability of tomatoes. The plant is from
Given growth, the inflorescence is formed by a cluster
branched multiparaceous and is intense yellow. The fruit can be
orange or reddish Depending on the masal selection we find
tomatoes with a more flattened or rounded shape and, in some
Cases have the terminal terminal shape. Normally, it shows between
3 and 4 lķculos inside.
In the common denomination of Tomātiga de Ramellet we find many
different names, such as creeping, iron, hanging, white, authentic,
... each of them comes from a different type of selection and management,
which makes morphologically and etnoecologically be
different Mallorca has a great variability of Tomātigues de
Ramellet, since they are the star orchard summer crop.
This tomato is of great importance due to its long conservation,
fact that makes it possible to use the one-of-a-year course throughout the year
Most typical dishes of the island, bread with oil. Tomato is rubbed into bread and
Then salt and oil are added. In addition, it is used to make sofritos
and stews. The tomato has a slightly acid flavor, so it is not available
custom to eat with salads.
In the area of ​​the center of Mallorca tradition is the dry land cultivation of
Tomell de Ramellet, so it is important to keep in mind availability
of water on the floor. However, in the area of ​​Tramuntana
It has always been flooded. Precisely in this area, concretely
In the villages of Banyalbufar and Estellencs, this is where they are
indications of the first Tomātigues de Ramellet, called domatigķ, los
which dates back to 1929. However, Tomātigues are currently grown
of Ramallet in all the family gardens of Mallorca, many of them
which use drip irrigation. There are still some farmers who sow
Great extensions of the same, some of them in cultivation of
dry land
Because it is an open-air culture, it is important to relate the time
Planting with frost and the availability of water on the ground. A
Temperatures below 2ēC the young plant is very damaged.
The period covers from mid-April to mid-May.
Planting it early is better because of the availability of water in the soil, in
change there is more risk of the plant getting freeze. On the contrary, if we plant
Later, the danger of frost does not exist, but the reserves of
Soil waters have declined.
In the case of dry land cultivation, it is important to have a well-prepared soil,
therefore, a month before the plantation, an amount will already be made
of 20 t / ha dung. The planting framework must be sufficient
width, one meter between one plant and another, and 1.8 meters between each line. Thus,
The maximum surface is given so that the plant can explore its search
of water The cultivator is going through the whole process of cultivation
It breaks the surface crust and prevents moisture loss by
Capillarity, while maintaining the maximum volume of water
available Cultivation of rainfed tomatoes has never been sealed, without
However, irrigated land cultivation has always been the case. In
The case of drip irrigation depends on each farmer.
For the selection and extraction of the seed we must emphasize the
quality of conservation time. For this reason, since they have been cultivated
These tomatoes have been preserved in confines and, depending on
The area of ​​Mallorca is made in one way or another. However, all
They hang on beams in a well ventilated place. They have recently been
Developed other simpler forms of conservation, they are collected
The tomatoes are a little green and they are left on top of a surface that
allow the passage of air. The optimal storage temperature of
These tomatoes are between 10 and 25 ēC. At two weeks of having them
Extended must be checked and removed from damaged tomatoes.
The long conservation of the tomato de ramallet makes most of
People who cultivate it extract their own seeds, due to that
The fruit lasts from one year to the next, so you can select it
the most beautiful fruits that lasted longer.
However, farmers, who have always made the selection
Of tomatoes for seeds advise to remove seed from tomatoes from
First flower, tomatoes healthy, vigorous and that the tomatoes be it
more similar to the type they have been selecting year after year.
With the Tomellet de Ramellet there has always been a lot of exchange,
both seeds and tomatoes for seed. However, many
People think their cultivate Your cultivar is the best, so it is very important
That the diversity of Tomātiga de Ramellet be maintained, which
They are part of the cultural heritage of Mallorca. Nothing to do with them
New hybrids that call them Tomāto de Ramallet and they are not
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Look deeply into nature and then you will understand everything better.-Albert Einstein.

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