Thread: Indoor Grow
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Old October 25, 2018   #9
HudsonValley's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Hudson Valley, NY, Zone 6a
Posts: 626

Ditto on the coir being gnat-free. I've grown Tiny Tim indoors on an office windowsill several times, and just started some new ones two weeks ago. They've just put out their first sets of true leaves.

Once they have two sets of true leaves, I feed them with Schultz's liquid plant food every 10-14 days, starting with half-strength and building up to full-strength over a few weeks. (I cannot use organic foods indoors; too smelly.) My last Tiny Tims produced for about 6-7 months and lived for more than a year before I tore them out to reclaim the real estate.

Last year, I started seeds in September and ate my first ripe Tiny Tim in January -- it was a real treat on a frigid day! This year I'm also trying Jochalos, Pinocchio, a dehybridized version of Orange Pixie, and a Dwarf Project developing variety from the Teensy line. Could be an interesting Winter.

Good luck with your namesake, Tiny Tim! Your seedling looks great.

Edited to add -- I am not affiliated with the Hudson Valley Seed Company, though I like the company's seeds and we share a moniker.
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