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Old July 31, 2018   #9
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Originally Posted by taboule View Post
I agree with most of what's been said, Oregano is a blessed herb in our household. Maybe because both my Greek wife and I grew up with it. That variety is pretty tough too, so you may want to try it Bower, ours survives just fine (Boston area). In Greece and Lebanon, it grows wild in the tall mountains which see a lot of snow and cold temps.

We eat both the leaf and the flowers, both dried, as Zaatar, the thyme like mix (along with ground sumac and sesame seed) that Lebanese folks spread with EVOO on thin dough (thinner than pizza) to make Manouch. Very yummy and addictive snack anytime.

Try this for a dressing: chop a bunch of leaves very fine, no stems, mix with EVOO and balsamic vinegar, a pinch of salt, and drizzle over fresh cut tomatoes.

To Worth's comment >>> I had an extreme dislike for oregano due to so called cooks over using it.

Best to use oregano AFTER cooking, it's too strong and turns bitter when cooked, especially dry such as a pizza topping -or even wet in a sauce. Best to add it after, or in much smaller quantities if cooked.

I often pick leaves and munch on them when in the garden. Or just crumble them in my hands and smell the heavens.
My seed library had an oregano seed called Zaatar but I never got to germinate and thrive. I thought it was only an oregano variety. Are you using common oregano in a mixture called Zaatar? I just read a few descriptions of Zaatar and one used dried hyssop leaves. Some interesting possibilities here.

- Lsia
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