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Old July 10, 2018   #63
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Well, up here I am just seeing the tips of what will be scapes in a week or two. I'm scraping the bottom of that brown bag and, you know, it is the small purple stripe garlic bulbs that are still really sound. I have a little softneck NY white which is still edible but they are sprouted. My porcelains are long gone.

I peeled a lot of little cloves from my salvage stash tonight as we had friends over for a meal. My son went to make a radish leaf pesto and he wanted lots of garlic so I gave him the turban I bought last week. He was really not pleased with the flavor but he ended up cooking it furiously with the pasta and it was pretty delicious I must say... all the same, I am surprised how different the turban is, and how spoiled I am on hardneck garlics, especially the porcelains. But I'm growing out more purple stripes and I do believe they're going to be a mainstay as well.
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