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Old July 6, 2018   #52
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: MA/NH Border
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Thanks Bower! Yes, the Continental is a porcelain. The description from the on-line vendor is: "A gorgeous bulbous porcelain beauty that has the the largest cloves of any variety we grow. Rich, oily, and quite spicy, this garlic will impress you and your friends, in the field and in the kitchen."

I also found mention of it on another site that said it's not really a variety, but just a catch-all name for a group of porcelains. Whatever it is, this is my second year growing it and I'm quite pleased with it.

Zemo and Turkish Red are new varieties for me. I bought them from farmers at the Quabbin Garlic and Arts Festival last fall. They both did well.

And while most of mine are porcelains, I found they all do have their own taste profiles and heat levels. Does it really matter when you're cooking with them? No. But I've had years where one variety or another has failed while others thrived, so I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket.
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