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Old June 26, 2018   #371
Buffalo-Niagara Tomato TasteFest™ Co-Founder
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Originally Posted by Nan_PA_6b View Post
My sister digs fresh soil from her back (wooded) hillside each year, mixes in some dead leaves, and grows. I give her plants that have a little eggshell & Osmocote in their 4" pots. Period. This year, she got fancy and added some Tomato Tone to the dirt. I suppose she's getting a lesser harvest than you guys, but it can be done. Price & quality are a tradeoff.
That sounds great, I'm getting tired of doing container mixing every year, but I don't have a wooded hillside---I'm in the city and there are many limitations, even composting's restricted. I have about a 15x50 strip that was originally lawn, and the garden now spread onto the driveway where there's actually more plants there than the raised beds on what was the lawn.

Each year I make multiple trips to the suburbs for compost and horse manure. I even sold my Blazer to get a pickup to get compost! Then I added a Loadhandler to make it easier to unload when I got back home. Now the place I used to get a load dumped into the bed 'til it was overflowing for $15 got sold to a topsoil company that sells a cubic yard for almost double now! Heck, I might as well sell the truck & buy a Blazer again! Must be nice to have trees to get humous & leaves or lawns to get grass clippings!
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