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Old June 3, 2018   #84
KarenO's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Oregonfarmer View Post

This is my first year growing tomatoes in along time. Just starting out. Trying to find what grows and tastes best in western oregon. Are all your tomatoes keepers? Are there tomato fairs where you can taste and discuss a variety of different types? Is there a discussion thread on how you can cross breed?

I had no idea there can be so much to growing great tomatoes. I am really excited.
There is definately a lot of information here on tomatoville if you can sift through a whole lot of unrelated bizniz...
Look at the index and you will find a section here called crosstalk which tends to stay on topic quite well and you will find a lot of information there on breeding. There are a number of facebook groups about heirloom tomatoes but you do need to be a tad selective because there are some crazies here and there as well as some dishonest seed sellers.
My personal page, not a group, and no sales is
I post all of my stuff there as well as some of it here. I am on Vancouver Island so the climate is not terribly different than yours most likely, you are welcome to check it out.
as far as tastings, every area might have something, I know there is a huge heirloom expo every year in the US if you can get to that it might be quite fantastic.
welcome to the tomato addiction rabbit hole.
Watch for a participate in my dear friend Marsha (ginger)`s seed offer as well as Tormato`s MMMM swap and the nifty fifty. That is where a lot of my seed collection has come from along with personal trades with folks from all over met here and also through facebook groups.


Last edited by KarenO; June 3, 2018 at 12:53 PM.
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