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Old August 16, 2007   #76
Tomatopalooza™ Moderator
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Good point MsCowpea.

Thrips are as small as fleas and can get through pretty much anything that's not
"solid". This year was pretty bad for TSWV, including my favorite Cuostralee going
down to it.

I did confirm a couple of details about it this year.

1. Infected plants will not recover. The fruit will be effected and look terrible.
2. Early removal of bad foliage also doesn't help. My dad did this on one of
his plants, and the plant looked fine. However, the fruit later showed
significant effects of the TSWV....

Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put one in a fruit salad.

Cuostralee - The best thing on sliced bread.
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