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Old May 21, 2018   #461
KarenO's Avatar
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Originally Posted by BlackBear View Post
wow looks so good and tall and healthy ! ...

do you put them in 10 inch pots indoors ? ...before transplant out side ..?

Next year I will put the large variety singletons in a 2 gallon square before outside transplant..... I was happy with things using 6 inch square pots inside before outside culture. but larger "starter" container sure makes the plants sturdy and ready to go

upon outdoor transplant ....

If I have less varieties and seedlings ...I will have more space for higher quality but less numbers of larger starter pots.
Hi B.B.,
They were in 18 oz cups in my greenhouse until transplant. Lots of water and fertilizer to get them growing tall and strong.
“Cold treatment” purposeful drought, no fertilizer until plant out are all things people swear by but I do the opposite. I do not purposefully try to slow or stunt my tomato seedlings. I go for maximum fast and vigorous growth and have spent time trying to encourage other northern gardeners that doing things this way will allow you to grow more tomatoes in a shorter season.
Strong light. Cool nights warm days. Consistent moisture and regular fertilizer from pot up. I use 1/4 to 1/2 strength all purpose miracle grow for my seedlings. The small greenhouse, heated at night if needed to keep it at or above 10 C. Is a necessary component but I do not use any fancy lights indoors, just ordinary fluorescent tubes. One cool one warm per fixture set up in front of a window.
They honestly don’t need bigger pots, but in small pots they need a lot of attention. I will plant one week later nex year, March 30 as these guys were a tad too big and thirsty before plant out.
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