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Old May 16, 2018   #23
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I'm so happy that I gambled on starting tomatoes a month early, and it hasn't been too bad, they're setting up fine.
I'm so happy my son and DIL are coming for a visit this summer, and they're coming early so it's even better that I planted tomatoes early.
I'm so happy to have nice weather in april when you can get out and do things that there wasn't time for last spring, or the spring before, or.... I did some things in the garden that have been waiting a long time. I potted up nut pines to grow them up bigger and plant them out. I weeded and mulched/fed the siberian ginseng - it survived! I'm very happy to see nice buds on it!
I'm really happy we had a winter with not much snow, and for once the snowshoe hares didn't do a lot of damage to the trees by rinding the bark when there's nothing to eat! So my trees are getting a year of grace.
I'm even happier that the garlic survived really well in spite of the wierd winter.
I'm totally stoked about my bulbils coming up, new varieties from far off lands!
I'm really delighted that my friend is still doing the farm and CSA this year although she has a part time job and a little girl nearly one year old. And I'll be going once a week to farm frolicks whether it's work and/or teaching that little one to weed or just to walk and play safely.
I'm happy you started this thread Tom, I'm really happy to know you are safe and happy! Been watching the lava flows on the news, like nothing I've ever seen or imagined. I'm happy that no one has been hurt. I have visited your beautiful state, it's a wonderful place. Stay safe! and happy...
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