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Old May 12, 2018   #15
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Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Corinth, texas
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I have ten, twenty five gallon pots with Carbon variety tomato plants in each. The pots are sitting on concrete slabs with drain holes 3" up the sides of the pots. Of the ten plants, one looks very healthy, but only about 1/2 the size of the other nine. All growing conditions in the pots including drip irrigation on a timer are the same. I plan on examining the roots of the smaller plant at the end of the growing season or earlier if the plants production is much lower than the larger plants. Each pot is also growing cucumbers, onions, and some herbs. Everything is performing well except the single tomato plant.

I had two plants die early, side by side last year. They were in one of my raised beds. I didn't think much about it and I didn't look at the roots when I pulled them. I know they were open pollinated, but I don't remember the variety. After thinking about it during the winter, I decided to plant an OP Mortgage Lifter in one of the spots and a hybrid Big Beef in the other spot to see if either or both had any problems growing in the same spots. So far, both plants are growing very well and have small tomatoes on them.

Last edited by DonDuck; May 12, 2018 at 11:10 PM.
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