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Old April 24, 2018   #90
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Southwest Florida
Posts: 111

Originally Posted by AlittleSalt View Post
Advice well taken. I am still at the point where I can change it.

I will buy some more when it's marked down again.
My first attempt with that nature's care soil was done with hard packing and the pepper plant I put in it never grew in a month. I ended up pulling it, aerating the soil with perlite, and then putting the soil back in with a spade, only letting gravity compress it. I was able to fill an extra container with the amount of soil I'd used originally with hard packing. I put the pepper plant back in and it grew like no tomorrow. I think you can get away with packing pro-mix a little harder, but that nature's care is super dense. We had 80 degree temperatures everyday at that time and I hadn't watered that pot in 2 weeks when I dug it up and despite the countless holes I had in the bottom of the bucket, the soil on the bottom was so wet and "muddy" that it started to smell like what they dredge out of canals down here in south Florida. I think you'll be fine with the hard pack as long as you're super stingy with water. I can water my containers filled with promix 2x a day and the moisture stays consistent throughout the entire soil column. Anything extra drains from the bottom, but it never gets waterlogged like I saw with that natures care.
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