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Old April 18, 2018   #10
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Southwest Florida
Posts: 111

Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
Just because something isn't listed as organic doesn't mean it is bad.
What it does mean is someone paid big bucks to get it listed as organic.

On top of that many organic products do more damage to the overall environment than some that aren't just because of where they came from.

Not trying to push or not push anything but a person has to step back and look at the big pictuer.

Take Alaska fish food for example.
It not only is it a by product of commercial fishing which is sucking our oceans dry but the ships have one heck of a carbon footprint and many times exploit people on those ships.
To me it is more important not to use bad insecticides and that is where the whole organic thing started anyway.
Plants take in elements they dont care where it came from.
Also shutting down Nitrogen and dumping heavy loads of the other wont do your plants any good at all as was said.
Yea I guess you're right. I just want to keep it as clean as possible. I understand there's big bucks to pay to be certified organic after talking to vendors at farmers markets who say they are organic but can't afford to be certified. So should I just stick to something that is closer to 2-1-3? those Jobes don't look too bad though and I know I've seen them at my local lowes.
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