Thread: My Garden 2018
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Old April 15, 2018   #51
bad.kelpie's Avatar
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Washington State
Posts: 240

I thought I posted a picture with the radish post. Oh well, looks like a radish seedling

Radishes, sugar snap peas, and the lettuce mix are coming up in my community garden. If the forecast stays the same, it looks like I'll be able to plant out next monday (the 23rd). I'll probably plant beans and squash at the same time, but wait a couple more weeks for cucumbers and peppers, depending on the forecast.

Most of my tomato plants have been outside for a while. If it looks like it might freeze, I'll bring in the important ones, but down to about 40, I've been just covering them with a board, a plastic sheet and a blanket. The board is only there in case my cat tries to lay on the blanket . During the day, they're protected from the wind, but not the sun. It's been mostly cloudy with some sunny times/days, so they're getting used to it gradually. They've been doing pretty well like this (Cherokee Green, Berkeley Tie Dye, Pineapple, and GGWT are huge healthy plants) but a few have come in to live in the windowsill because the plants seem a little weaker. Those ones might go out a little later.
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