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Old March 15, 2018   #14
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Location: Northern Minnesota - zone 3
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My sister has over twenty huge bulbs that she has had in pots for many years, and she keeps trying to give me some when she splits them, but I don't have the house space for them.

She simply sets the bloomed out pots outside in a mostly shady spot under some trees during summer and brings the same pots in in the fall before frost, when she lets them dry down naturally and they are dormant in her basement until spring. When they start to put up new spring growth, she waters them and brings them upstairs to her sun room. She removes any large "pups" and repots bulbs as needed when they start to crowd the pot too much. I think she repots in the spring since she is usually too busy in the fall with other things. I think she fertilizes occasionally, but mostly they are trouble free with very little maintenance beyond watering all summer. This amaryllis of hers is over 20 years old.

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