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Old March 10, 2018   #3141
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Southwest Florida
Posts: 111

I went to one more store this afternoon and they had a product made by the same company as mosquito dunks, but it's granules. I think it's called mosquito bits. The active ingredient is BT Israel. The label says kills fungus gnats in potted plants. I bought it and sprinkled it all over the surface of my containers, stirred up the soil to bury the granules a little bit and then added one more layer. The instructions say to cover soil with granules and water as usual, so I have my containers out on the driveway for a bit to soak up some of this unusual rain we are having. I spilled a few granules on the driveway and when they got wet they started to dissolve into an opaque liquid and smell like some sort of cereal grain. I hope this product is similar to gnatrol or I may have just made a big ole boo boo! Only time will tell. That makes absolute sense as to why my plants aren't growing. There's gnats climbing around all over the surface of the soil in every container. Yesterday I had to pull my best watermelon seedling because it fell over. When I examined it, the stem looked like someone took a rasp to it. Hopefully this will help with whatever did that as well.
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