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Old March 10, 2018   #3140
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Originally Posted by DocBrock View Post
All I could find were the mosquito dunks locally so I held off. I'm going to order gnatrol. It's been 2 days since I sprayed the plants with soap and neem and it looks as though the aphids are gone. Problem is some of my leaves have burned spots on them, a few new leaves fell off, and the bell pepper dropped some blossoms and buds.

On a side note, how long does it take for a seedling(tomato or pepper) to start growing after transplant? I've got a few tomatoes in 20gal storage tubs that don't seem to be growing but appear healthy. I planted them about 10 days ago. Same with a few mini bells I have in buckets. They just seem to be stagnant. I did buy a cherokee carbon plant last weekend at lowes and it's already dead. Like withered and dead overnight. I've cared for it and planted it the same as the others so I'm going to return it and get one from somewhere else.
That is how I learned about aphids. My seedlings few years ago germinated just fine. They looked ok but were not growing or changing for about 2 weeks. I discarded them and started a new seedlings. I did not know about aphid gnats then.
Now I know not to do that. As Marsha mentioned BT will kill the gnats. And your tomatoes will start growing. Gnats do not kill your plants, they eat roots and that prevents them from growing. Use BT.

God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”
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