Thread: Fermenting.
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Old March 10, 2018   #757
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I know you will read the instructions but any who.
If your home temperature fluctuates from day to night by even 5 or so degrees the water in the mote will disappear when it is colder then re appear when it warms up.
Quite ghost like.
During the low tide event dont add water or it will end up on the counter when it warms back up.
The water is on the back side of the lid still sealing the concoction from outside air.
The other thing is to put the lid on and then add water slowly not the other way around like I did the first time.
What I did was keep a bottle of brine solution to add water to the mote if need be.
No matter how anxious you may get don't open the lid for at least two weeks three is even better.

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