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Old March 7, 2018   #5
oakley's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: NewYork 5a
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You mentioned this year they are dying...your pepper seedlings. Take note/record, what is
different this year from last. Starting seeds, you want the most pure/sterile non-soil mix

I'm potting up some seedlings today, (snow day), ...two foil roasting trays in the oven to
sterilize a big half bag of SunGro I have stored in the garage.

Oven at 225 pre-heat, both pans covered with foil. Check at one half hour for 180º. Turn
off heat and rest in oven another half hour. Good safe soil pasteurization.

Seed starting I use coir bricks. Easy to store and have back-ups on a shelf when I need it.

I got so boned last year with a damp 'old stock' bag of start mix. And I know better.

I also have a supply of yellow sticky traps and just one set up to monitor any issues.
I grow year round so I have to keep an eye on issues.

I also baked a tray of clean sand at much higher heat. It's a prep ahead that I'll mix with
DiaEarth if I need it at some point.
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