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Old July 29, 2007   #13
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It was really a fantastic event and I was thrilled to be a part of it. Craig and Lee are consummate hosts and have really set a high bar for tomato tastings! There were ~125 attendees and over 180 tomato varieties represented, including the massive dwarf project table (actually 5 tables). I took a picture of every single dwarf and then lots of other photos (~140) and will post them soon.

Suze already mentioned my favorites from the dwarf project (a purple, a red, a green, and a gold).

Other tomatoes I liked were of course Cherokee Purple, also Stump of the World, German Heirloom (an unknown variety with astounding flavor), Coustralee (so sweet!), Goose Creek, and Andrew Rahart's Jumbo Red. Little Lucky was a barnstormer for me. Totally different taste to me than Lucky Cross.

As Craig posted before, the event took place at Jimmy's incredible setup. Surrounded by old stone farm buildings, Jimmy's house includes a relaxing open-air architectural pavilion. The garden is scaled up to match the surrounding acres (which had just been baled). A massive iron pyramid was home to a half dozen varieties of gourds. Beans and cucumbers were on giant trellises. The asparagus beds looked fantastic (they were already ferned out at full height after a good harvest this spring). And of course the clogging was quite fun to watch. Here are some folks who got together to recreate clog folk dancing of 60 years ago and put on events all over. And the musicians were quite talented as well.

Having the music and clogging really did bump the level of the event up beyond the fantastic level it already is known for.

I'm looking forward to next year's event!
[SIZE="3"]I've relaunched my gardening website -- [B][/B][/SIZE] *

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